Advertising Regulations & Codes
This section provides a summary of information on some common areas of advertising regulation. This information is not legal advice and should not be used as such.
Commercial Advisory Service
Commercial Radio & Audio offers many services to members including the Commercials Advice Service (CAS). The CAS is run by the legal team at CRA and is open to all members and their advertising agencies.
If you have any questions regarding an advertisement that you are making, you can contact the CAS team to find out whether there are any legal or regulatory issues that you need to consider. You may wish to find out about the rules that apply to the advertising of particular products, such as alcohol and gambling services; you might want to check the wording of a disclaimer in an advertisement for investment products, or find out whether you need a permit number in an advertisement for a trade promotion lottery.
Commercial Radio & Audio website as a member you can also access detailed information regarding the advertising of particular products, including weight loss products, medicines, alcohol, investment products, loans, cosmetic products, gambling, foods, trade promotion lotteries and political advertisements.
Members should note that this service is advisory in nature only and should not be relied on in substitution for independent legal advice.
For more information, please contact Sarah Kruger (Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs) at or 02 9281 6577.