Code 5 - Australia Music Quotas

The information below is of a general nature and is intended as a guide only. It is not comprehensive and should not be relied on as a substitute for independent legal advice.

Obligation To Meet Minimum Requirements

Every station has an obligation to broadcast minimum quotas of music performed by Australian artists. The quota obligation applies between the hours of 6:00am and midnight each day. The relevant percentages are based on one of five categories, that is Categories A to F (inclusive) and more fully set out in the Code. Each station selects which category it best fits into.

Overall Quota – Australian Performances

Each station has to meet an overall quota of music performed by Australians (known as “Australian Performances”). That figure can be calculated as a percentage of total time occupied by all music or total number of musical items broadcast in your station's playlist. The second option is only available if the musical items in question are of a “reasonably similar duration".

Additional Quota - "New Australian Performances”

Category A  to C stations have an additional quota obligation for Australian Performances, not more than 12 months old (known as “New Australian Performances”). The second quota is a percentage of the overall quota – e.g. for a category A station, 25% of its Australian Performances (see above) have to be “New Australian Performances”.
The requirement to meet this quota depends on the following conditions:

  1. Whether a station normally: includes music (of any type) that is no more than 12 months old in its playlist; and
  2. Availability of the product.

Reporting Requirements

Every station has an obligation to report to Commercial Radio & Audio quotes actually achieved using the standard Australian Music Content Return. You can submit your completed Australian Music Content Return by either of the following methods:

Email:; or

Fax: (02) 9281 6599.

If you have not met your stations quota requirements in any given month, please include an explanation for this, when you submit your return. All information collected by Commercial Radio & Audio is passed onto ARIA and ultimately those figures will be published by ARIA. You can view a copy of the ARIA Reports on the ARIA website in the section called Supporting Australian Music.

For more information, please contact Sarah Kruger (Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs) at or 02 9281 6577.